Unblocking User Accounts
  • 01 Aug 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
  • Contributors

    Unblocking User Accounts

      Article summary

      This article describes how to use the Management Platform to Unblock Members with too many failed sign-in attempts (10).

      Blocked users
      You can tell a user account is blocked because the account will have a grayed-out background with a lock as their icon.
      Single Sign-on Limitations
       Users that are SOLELY assigned SSO as their authentication method, will first need to have a successful login for their account to be created. 

      Steps to Unblock Accounts:

      1. Navigate to Team > Members 
      2. Search for the user whose account is blocked or you would like to reset the 2FA of and select the ellipses (...) next to their name.
      3.  Select the Unblock User option. 
      Resetting Database 2FA
      When resetting a user's 2FA, they will need to walk through the flow once more upon their next successful sign-in.


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