AWS Virtual Gateway
  • 29 Apr 2024
  • 5 Minutes to read
  • Contributors

    AWS Virtual Gateway

      Article summary


      This guide will guide you through the process of establishing a Site-to-Site IPsec tunnel between your Harmony SASE network and your AWS environment.

      This configuration is best suited for scenarios where the connection is intended for a single VPC.

      If you are dealing with multiple VPCs, please refer to our guide on configuring a Site-to-Site IPsec tunnel to AWS Transit Gateway.

      Breakdown of topics

      1. Pre-requisites
      2. Configuration Steps
      3. Verifying the Setup
      4. Troubleshooting
      5. Support Contacts


      To successfully follow this guide, you should have:

      1. An active Harmony SASE account and network.
      2. The Harmony SASE app installed on your devices.
      3. An active AWS account with admin permissions.

      Configuration Steps

      Configuring the tunnel in the AWS Console

      1. Go to the VPC section in the AWS Console.
      2. Under Services, scroll down to Networking & Content Delivery and select VPC.
      3. Under the left menu Virtual Private Network (VPN) section, go to Customer Gateways.
      4. Select Create Customer Gateway.
      5. Select static routing.
      6. Fill in the IP Address of the Harmony SASE Gateway. This can be obtained within the Harmony SASE Panel, under Networks.
        7. Select Create Customer Gateway. A message should display indicating the gateway was created successfully.

      Configuring a virtual private gateway


      If you already have a virtual private gateway attached to your VPC, skip this section and continue with Creating a virtual private network connection.

      1. Go back to Services, scroll down to Networking & Content Delivery, and select VPC.
      2. On the left side, under Virtual Private Network (VPN) select Virtual Private Gateways.
      3. Select Create Virtual Private Gateway.
      4. Type the name of the gateway (for example US_HQ ).
      5. Select ASN as Amazon's default ASN.
      6. Select Create Virtual Private Gateway.

      A message should display indicating that the virtual Private Gateway was created successfully.
      7. Select the newly created gateway and select Actions; on the context menu select Attach to VPC.

      8. From the drop-down menu, select the VPC and select Yes, Attach.

      Creating a virtual private network connection

      1. Under Virtual Private Network in the left menu, go to Site-to-SiteVPN Connections.
      2. Select Create VPN Connection.
      3. Enter the name tag (for example, US_HQ).
      4. Select the created Virtual Private Gateway.
      5. Under Customer Gateway, select Existing.
      6. Select the Customer Gateway that you have created.
      7. Under Routing Options, select Static.
      8. Fill in your Harmony SASE network subnet (Usually
        This address might differ in case you haven't chosen the default subnet mask for your tunnel.

      9. Under Tunnel Options, in advanced options choose Edit tunnel options, and under DPD timeout set the value to 60.

      Tunnel option
      AWS supports various types of Encryption and hash formats for both of the tunnels they are offering, if the tunnel options are set to default (as shown below) it will accept any encryption suite you'd like for the handshake with Harmony SASE.In this screen, you can also select the inside subnets you would like to connect via the tunnel.

      10. Select Create VPN Connection.

      11. A message should display indicating that a VPN Connection Request was created successfully.

      Configuring the routing rules to the default gateway

      1. Select the VPC section in the AWS Console and enter the Route table associated with your VPC.

      2. For the Route Tables menu option, select the routing table that is associated with the VPC you have created for the tunnel.

      3. Select Edit and add the new static routes for the subnets below:

      Fill in your Harmony SASE network subnet listed in the Harmony SASE web portal, in Networks > Gateway > Settings (Usually at the destination field, and your new VPN Gateway ID as the target (it will appear under the subcategory Virtual Private Gateway).
      4. Select Save.

      In case you have a customized security group associated with your VPC

      Configure your AWS security groups to allow all traffic from Harmony SASE subnets (usually or allow only particular traffic using the port and IP restrictions.

      Configuring the tunnel in your Platform

      1. Return to Site-to-Site VPN Connections and select Download Configuration.

      2. Fill in the following information, and download the config file:

      • Be sure to choose Strongswan under Vendor, and Ikev2 for Ike Version.

      Examining the configuration file, you may notice that AWS has created two separate tunnels for the same VPN connection, however Harmony SASE utilizes only one of them.
      You may randomly choose any of the two, but for consistency purposes and to avoid possible confusion we advise you to use the one that appears first in the file.

      3. Go to the Management Platform. Under the Networks tab in the left menu, select the name of the network where you'd like to set the tunnel.

      4. Locate the desired gateway, select the three-dotted menu (...), select Add Tunnel, and then IPSec Site-2-Site Tunnel

      5. Click Upload File and upload the configuration file downloaded from the AWS portal. The system automatically populates Shared Secret, Public IP, and Remote ID.

      6. The rest of the fields should be filled in with the following information:

      • In the General Settings section, fill in the following information:
        • Name: Choose whatever name you find suitable for the tunnel.
        • Harmony SASE Gateway Proposal Subnets: Leave Any ( selected here.
        • Remote Gateway Proposal Subnets: Leave Any ( selected here.

      7. At the Advanced Settings section fill in the following information if you selected the default tunnel options on AWS:

      • IKE Version: V2
      • IKE Lifetime: 8h
      • Tunnel Lifetime: 1h
      • Dead Peer Detection Delay: 10s
      • Dead Peer Detection Timeout: 30s
      • Encryption(Phase 1): aes256
      • Encryption(Phase 2): aes256
      • Integrity (Phase 1): sha512
      • Integrity (Phase 2): sha512
      • Diffie-Hellman Groups (Phase 1): 21
      • Diffie-Hellman Groups (Phase 2): 21
        Please be sure to verify the tunnel settings under section 3 in the configuration

      8. Select Add Tunnel.

      9. On your network, select your three dots and click on Routes Table:

      •  Click the Add Route button on the top right, then on this popup fill out accordingly (Tunnel will match the name above, and Subnets will be the subnets you want to reach on the AWS side of the tunnel) and click the Add Route button:
      • Be sure to click Apply Configuration when done.

      Verifying the Setup

      After following the above steps, your tunnel should be active.
      To verify, go to your Harmony SASE dashboard, locate the tunnel you just created, and check the tunnel status.
      It should indicate that the tunnel is "Up", signifying a successful connection.
      Next, connect to your network using the Harmony SASE agent and attempt to access one of the resources in your environment.


      If you encounter issues during or after the setup, try reviewing your settings to ensure everything matches the instructions. In particular, check the IP addresses and other details you entered during setup. If issues persist, please consult our dedicated support.

      Support Contacts

      If you have any difficulties or questions, don't hesitate to contact Harmony SASE's support team. We offer 24/7 chat support on our website at, or you can email us at We're here to assist you and ensure your VPN tunnel setup is a success.

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