Admin Activity
  • 29 Apr 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
  • Contributors

    Admin Activity

      Article summary


      This article describes how to provide a full audit trail for changes applied to your Harmony SASE configuration to better allow administrators to investigate related issues and satisfy compliance audits. Whether it be tracking the creation of Networks and groups, down to understanding changes made to firewall rules, Admin Activity provides quick and easy visibility into the actions of your Admins to paint a full picture of changes made to your Harmony SASE platform.


      1. To view Admin activity, select Monitor & Logs and then Admin Activity in the Management Platform on the left side.

      2. You’ll see a list of Admins, along with a listing of their latest activity on the platform, Networks they may have modified, and IP they were connected from at the time of the change.

      3. In the menu at the top of the screen, you can sort activities by type, member (admin), time range, and network. You can even export this data if you wish.

      • List of Auditable actions 

      Auditable Actions

      Application created
      Application creation failed
      Application deleted
      Application changed
      Application enabled
      Application disabled
      Policy created
      Policy deleted
      Policy changed

      Support Access
      Support access granted
      Support access revoked

      Role assigned
      Password reset
      Password changed

      Group created
      Group updated
      Group deleted
      Group member added
      Group member deleted
      Group network added
      Group network deleted

      Monitor & Logs
      Web activity report exported
      Active sessions report exported

      Member invited
      Member deleted
      Exported members list
      Member created
      Member update
      Member Profile update

      Subscription cancelled
      Subscription activated
      Subscription reactivated
      Plan changed
      Payment method updated

      Member license purchased
      Member license removed
      Gateway license purchased
      Gateway license removed

      Add-on purchased

      Integration created
      Integration enabled
      Integration disabled
      Integration deleted

      Api Key
      Api key created
      Api key deleted

      Web Filter Rules
      Web Filter rule added
      Web Filter rule updated
      Web Filter rule deleted
      Web Filter rules policy updated
      Web Filter rule priority updated
      Web Filter status updated

      Bypass Rules
      Bypass rule added
      Bypass rule updated
      Bypass rule deleted
      Bypass rule priority updated

      Configuration Profile
      Configuration Profile added
      Configuration Profile updated
      Configuration Profile deleted
      Trusted wired network added
      Trusted wired network deleted
      Trusted wired network disabled
      Trusted wired network enabled
      Trusted WiFi network added
      Trusted WiFi network deleted

      Identity Provider
      Identity provider created
      Identity provider updated
      Identity provider disabled
      Identity provider deleted
      SCIM integration enabled
      SCIM integration disabled
      SCIM token create

      Account unblocked

      Address updated
      Address deleted
      Address added
      Service added
      Service updated
      Service deleted
      Custom URL added
      Custom URL updated
      Custom URL deleted

      Posture Check
      Posture profile update
      Posture profile created
      Posture profile deleted
      Posture profile check failed

      Network created
      Network updated
      Network creation failed
      Network deleted
      Region created
      Region deleted
      Gateway created
      Custom gateway created
      Gateway deleted
      Gateway restarted
      Tunnel created
      Gateway state changed
      Tunnel updated
      Tunnel deleted
      DNS filtering updated
      DNS filtering deleted
      Private DNS updated
      Private DNS enabled
      Private DNS disabled
      Regional private DNS updated
      Regional private DNS enabled
      Regional private DNS disabled
      Custom network created
      Custom network creation failed
      Custom region created
      Network Split Tunneling
      Network groups changed

      Firewall rules updated
      Firewall rules update failed
      Firewall rule added
      Firewall rule updated
      Firewall rule priority updated
      Firewall rule deleted

      Support Contacts

      If you have any difficulties or questions, don't hesitate to contact Harmony SASE's support team. We offer 24/7 chat support on our website at, or you can email us at We're here to assist you and ensure your VPN tunnel setup is a success.

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      What's Next