View Active Sessions
  • 29 Apr 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
  • Contributors

    View Active Sessions

      Article summary


      This article describes how to use the Active Sessions view.

      This view allows the workspace Admin to inspect live data on currently active sessions across locations, agents, and Applications.


      1. To view your Workspace’s active sessions, select Active Sessions in the Management Platform on the left side. Alternatively, you can also access this by clicking Expand on the Active Sessions tile of your Dashboard.

      2. Here will see a list of team members, the device(s) they have logged on from, the type of connection they have established, the start time, duration of their session, along with the network and gateways they have accessed during that session.

        • In this example, the admin is viewing Device, Connection Type, and Start Time/Duration:

        • In this example, the admin is viewing Session Origin, Network, Region and Gateway:

      3. In the menu at the top of the screen, you can filter active sessions by Member, Device Type, Device OS, Connection Type, App Name, Network, Region and Gateway.

        • This data may be exported. You cannot export more than 1000 sessions at once.

          Screen Shot 2022-06-28 at 4.47.59 PM.png

        • Shown columns can be adjusted.

      Distinguishing between Agent and Application Sessions

      When viewing active sessions, the admin will be presented with information for both Application and Agent sessions.

      • Application sessions will be distinguished by the word "app" in the Connection Type column.

      • Agent sessions will be distinguished by the word "agent" in the Connection Type column.
      • Additionally, unlike Application sessions, Agent sessions will show an IP address under the Session Origin column.

      Support Contacts

      If you have any difficulties or questions, don't hesitate to contact Perimeter 81's support team. We offer 24/7 chat support on our website at, or you can email us at We're here to assist you and ensure your VPN tunnel setup is a success.

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